Do your kids ever ask you who is your favorite child? Ever wonder yourself? Well I came up with the perfect answer to which one I love the most….
Dear My Favorite Child aka My First Born Son:
I know you have known this for a long time, but I might as well admit it. You are my favorite child. I know I always say I love you all equally, but there is just something different about our relationship and the way I feel about you. You made me a mother. There is no greater blessing in the world and you gave that to me. I remember the days of being alone with you, just stumbling along trying to figure it all out and you just smiled and cooed and loved me along the way. And you were an only child for 6 years, so it was you and me kid, for a very long time. I felt like I knew every single thing about you, every freckle, every hair on your head and everything that made you happy or sad.
And now as you grow older, I have the added benefit of actually enjoying spending time with you as we get to do things that we both enjoy. The times when we get to sneak away to a movie or go out to dinner just you and me are some of my favorite times with you because you are turning into a great kid that’s fun to be around.
So the truth is, you are my favorite. You are my favorite child because you are my oldest, my first born and because of that, you have a special place in my heart.
Dear My Favorite Child aka My Second Born Son,
My long-awaited second born son. You hold such a special place in my heart. We waited for you and prayed for you and longed for you. I cried tears at the thought of never getting to know you and know motherhood again. I cried as your older brother prayed for you for almost 2 years, just begging to be a big brother. So those 9 months while you were growing inside me were so special because of all the time we had imagined having another child in our family just like you. You were spoiled and doted on by all of us, especially your older brother as he finally had a playmate. And I think I secretly enjoyed those 17 months you weren’t sleeping through the night because that was my special time with you, my long-awaited miracle child.
As you grow and become more of a big kid, I still love spending time with you, not just because those memories and feelings linger, but because you still cuddle with me and promise to love me and take care of me forever. I love when we hide under a blanket so I can read to you from our latest read-aloud chapter book and it warms my heart that you love reading as much as I do. You have a joy and enthusiasm for life that’s contagious to those around you. I feel like we have this special bond as we work through your health challenges together. I take you to all of your appointments and we talk about how to be brave. And you show me how to work hard and persevere when things aren’t easy.
I have such affection for you, my middle son. You are my favorite because you are my miracle son, my long-awaited blessing and that gives you a special place in my heart.
Dear My Favorite Child aka My Youngest Son,
My sweet baby boy. You were the best surprise we have ever (and will ever!) received. I always tell you are my gift. God’s gift to me. You were a whisper in my mind, a hope for someday that I was never bold enough to say out loud. But God heard and he knew. I think because of that, I appreciate you the most. I stroke your round cheeks and squeeze your chubby little thighs because I know how quickly they will be gone. You and I are buddies, we go everywhere together. Even more than your brothers, you have been my little mama’s boy, crying for me when I am gone. I even kept you home with me an extra year before sending you to preschool so I could soak in these last precious years with you while you are still little.
The truth is, I am not the only one in the family who adores you. We are all enamored with you and think you are the cutest “baby” around. And as you grow up and are no longer a baby, we are getting such a kick out of the personality that is developing. You make us laugh with your funny sayings, the way you climb, jump and tumble over everything and the way you run everywhere like it’s a race. You are such a blessing to our family.
So you, my littlest one, are my favorite. You are my favorite because you are my baby, my last child and that gives you a special place in my heart.
The truth is, you are all my favorites. I love all you all so fiercely. But yet so differently. We have completely different relationships, the 3 of us. But each one of you makes my heart feel like it could burst with the love I have for you. So in those moments when it seems like I love your brother more or it seems like I don’t love you at all because you are driving me crazy, remember this day because I am only admitting this once and then we must never speak of this again. But here it is: You, my son, are my favorite. And always will be. Just don’t tell your brothers.
your mama

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