Friday Funnies are here again with more kid quotes! Now as usual, you may not think my kids are as funny as I do, but here you go! =)
Nothing like having your kid lean over to you in the middle of dinner that you worked hard on and ask you…what’s for dinner.
This is one of my favorite stories from one my middle son was 3.5. I was singing this song to myself (don’t ask) and he interrupts me with this:
My littlest boy was a late talker. He only had a few words, so when I told him to go tell his brother that dinner was ready, this was what he came up with:
Even though you can’t picture it in his cute voice like I can, hope today’s Friday Funnies at least gave you a smile! Would love to hear some of your funny kid quotes too if you want to share them below! And don’t forget if you are interested in getting your kids quotes made into comics than you should check out this awesome gig on Fiverr too!
Happy Friday! Hope your Memorial Day weekend is full of fun and frivolity! ;)

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