There is so much beauty throughout the holiday season. The lights, the greenery, the colors, all things shiny and shimmery. One of the most beautiful elements of Christmas, in my opinion, is the Christmas tree. There is just something about the way the lights reflect on the ornaments, against the backdrop of an evergreen tree that just gets me every time.
And that is just the external beauty! So many of the ornaments have so much sentimental value to me. I know I am not the only one who loves unwrapping all the ornaments before they go on the tree because then I can reminiscence about each one; where it came from, who made it, the story behind it. We try to give the kids an ornament every year that represents the year they have had- their interests, a trip we took, a favorite sport. Needless to say, we have developed quite the ornament collection already!
Christmas I-Spy Ornament Game
The other night, after we finished decorating the Christmas tree and hanging all the ornaments, we were sitting there, together as a family, admiring the beauty of the our tree. It was just brimming with ornaments that have so many stories to tell that we began discussing them and pointing them out, talking about where each one was located this year, what we liked about it, who it belonged to etc. And then it became a game, which makes everything that much more fun in our house!
We created a game of Ornament I-Spy where we would look for ornaments that met certain criteria. Everyone raced (just with our eyes!) to find the oldest ornament on the tree or an ornament that started with their first letter of their name. We counted all the snowflake ornaments and found objects that belonged outside or in the kitchen. We had so much fun together exploring our collection.
And of course, me being the former teacher, had to take things one step further and make an actual printable with 25 different criteria to look for in a game of Christmas Tree Ornament I-Spy! But don’t worry, my crazy creativity benefits you and your family as I am making it available to download. Simply sign up below and you will be on your way!
Just a note, I included 25 different I-Spy criteria because everyone has different types of ornaments and Christmas tree decorations. I am hoping that I came up with a wide enough variety for everyone to “spy” on their own tree. If you can think of more to add, please contact me through as I would love to add more to apart 2!
What about you? Do you have any family Christmas traditions this time of year? Our other favorite is driving around looking at lights (this year with a Christmas Decoration Scavenger Hunt) I would love to hear yours. Simply send me an email at

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