I LOVE being a mom of all boys…no regrets, really. Except for this one thing: The clothes! Girls’ clothes are so cute! So after I do all my shopping and research for Christmas T-Shirts for my boys, I scour the internet for all the very cutest Christmas T-Shirts for Girls to share with all of you. But it’s really just an excuse for me to check out the latest offerings from Gymboree, Children’s Place, Carters, Osh Kosh, Old Navy and more. Here’s what I thought were the best Christmas T-Shirts for Girls in 2016.
Just a reminder that all links are seasonal, so they are subject to availability (Warning: They are going fast!) and all links are also affiliate links. See full disclosure policy.
Christmas T-Shirts for Girls
Reindeer T-Shirt from Gymboree // Bright and Merry T-Shirt from Gymboree
My Christmas List T-Shirt from The Children’s Place // Nice-ish T-Shirt from The Children’s Place
Naughty Nice T-Shirt from The Children’s Place // Santa’s Favorite T-Shirt from The Children’s Place
Santa Grandma T-Shirt from The Children’s Place // Daddy’s Favorite Present T-Shirt from The Children’s Place
Christmas Penguin T-Shirt from Gymboree // Snow Bunny T-Shirt from GymboreeMitten Shirt from Carters // Reindeer T-Shirt from Carters
Snowflake T-Shirts from Gymboree // Make Magic Happen T-Shirt from GymboreeSki Girl T-Shirt from Carters // Snowman T-Shirt from Carters
Looking for the best Christmas T-Shirts for boys?

Hi! Really love this list. I needed some good ideas for my daughter. She is so picky!
I am glad these ideas will help! I don’t know if I could choose though- there are so many cute ones!