Did you know that Easter Peeps come in different flavors now? From cotton candy to sour watermelon, there are lots of yummy flavors for this classic Easter treat! To make it even more fun, we decided to do a blind Peeps Taste Test to see if the kids could identify the flavors.
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Flavored Peeps Taste Test
Every holiday seems to have a special sweet treat to go with it and Easter’s treat is definitely Peeps! I have memories of my grandmother always buying us the classic yellow marshmallow chicks when we were kids, but through the years they have changed so much. They do Peeps in different shapes and colors and now they have added various flavors too! From cotton candy to sour watermelon, my kids wanted to try them all.
So after our Jelly Bean Taste Test, we thought we should do a Flavored Peeps Taste Test next. I made a quick printable (available at the end of this post) and coaxed the teen to join us purely by the word sugar and we were good to go!
There are so many different flavors of Peeps now that I actually had to narrow down my choices to only 6. And even with that many, I only let me kids take a bite or two of each one during the Peeps Taste Test. I didn’t want to have them bouncing off the walls after all! I found this awesome Peeps Pack on Amazon that has tons of different flavors for you to choose from. Peeps also seem to be available at every store I go to these days too-I feel like I might find them at my next trip to hardware store! Wherever you get them, you need to start your Peeps Taste Test with lots and lots of Peeps!
We like to make our taste tests into a game where the kids get to identify the flavors and not just rate their favorites, so after I sorted out the Peeps onto plates, I got the blindfolds out. I also try to keep the flavors and the packaging away from the kids ahead of time, so the flavors are even harder to guess!
Next onto the fun- the tasting! We do them one at a time and the kids don’t share their guesses outloud until the end. My kids start with the tasting and then go on to rate their favorites. I must admit, one or two flavors actually got spit out and rated poorly. Who knew?! I thought that sweets always tasted good to kids!
While my kids may not have loved the cotton candy flavored Peeps, they loved doing the Peeps Taste Test and I loved the family together time- even if it was brought to us by a sugar fix! =)
Do you have any family fun activities you do around Easter? We love to color Easter Eggs together, but this year we decorated a Graham Cracker Barn (again with the candy!) and built a Jelly Bean Catapult. We had lots of fun with both of those too!

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