With 3 kids at such different ages and stages, I am constantly having to update my plans and activities to keep everyone happy and engaged out of trouble and this post is no different! I originally shared 5 simple ideas for Halloween Party games using plastic eyeballs that were perfect for preschoolers and early elementary aged students during a Class Halloween Party. But as my kids got older, I got inspired with more eyeball games that would work for 3rd-6th graders too. (Not to mention teens and adults!) Therefore, whatever the age, read on for more than 10 Halloween games using plastic eyeballs!
We recently purchased some ping pong eyeballs at the dollar store and no matter how many times I think I have finally put them all away, I keep finding them all over the house. As in, I find them under the couch, in the bathroom and even in the covers of my bed! They are literally everywhere!
Of course, every time my kids find another one, they have to start playing with them all over again. So with 20+ plastic eyeballs all over my house (and I mean ALL OVER!), the kids have come up with some really creative ways to play with plastic eyeballs! These simple Halloween game ideas are perfect for your next class Halloween party too! (Because I know I am not the only Room Mom scrambling to come up with some budget friendly, age appropriate ideas my kids’ class Halloween parties! If you have younger children, read about this Halloween Party for PreK-2nd Grade and if you have 3rd-6th graders, check out this Halloween Party for upper elementary aged students!)
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10 Halloween Games Using Plastic Eyeballs
This game is simple, but oh so fun! And some of you might remember a similar version of this game from college, but that’s a post for another day! ;) There are a variety of ways to play this Halloween version. You can set up plastic cups with water or without. The kids can bounce the balls off the table to get them in or throw them from farther away. You can add point values or different containers (like black cauldrons or pumpkin buckets!) Whatever version you play, the kids will still have a blast trying to bounce those ping pong eyeballs into the cups!

If you have a chance to play a game outside during your class party, this Eyeball Relay Race is a fun Halloween Game for kids and it requires no prep! Simply gather your plastic eyeballs and a spoon (even better- use these Skeleton Salad Tongs as your “spoons”!) and line the children up in 2 lines on 2 different teams. Each team should have an eyeball and a spoon (or Skeleton Hand).

The goal is for the child to walk across the field or blacktop and turn around and walk back without dropping the eyeball. When they get back to their starting point, they should hand over the spoon and eyeball to the next person in line who will then do the same thing. It’s sounds simple, but it’s actually hard to keep it from dropping and everyone usually ends up in stitches with this game!

This has always been one of my favorite games ever since I was kid and it’s perfect for younger children. It’s a simple concept, really. Pick a variety of Halloween objects (including a plastic eyeball) for hiding under a witch’s hat or a dark piece of fabric. Give the kids a chance to memorize the items, then cover them up and slide one away without the kids seeing. When you reveal the items again, the kids take turns guessing what’s missing! It’s simple, but fun, I promise!

These are some of the Halloween objects we used in our Guess What’s Missing? Game. We used a skeleton hand, a candle, a plastic spider, a Jack-o-Lantern Scoop, a mini cauldron, a bit of spider web, a mini pumpkin and a plastic eyeball, of course!
This is a fun game for older children and teens, although it’s actually great for developing oral motor skills in young children as well. While you may have seen a similar game where kids take a straw and blow a spider across the table and try to beat their friend’s spider to the end, I like the idea of using the eyeballs simply for practicality. Since I am using the eyeballs in several different activities already, I would prefer not to have to buy a different item just for one game. I admit that it may be trickier to get the ping pong eye balls to stay in one place before the race starts, but I think the money saved makes it worth it lol
Besides I would rather use my money on cute Halloween themed straws for this game! =)

My 6 year old son actually came up with this Halloween game and I loved his creativity! Instead of hunting for Easter eggs with an Easter basket, my son was hiding plastic eyeballs and finding them with a witch’s black cauldron! He invented Halloween Eyeball Hunt! =) Again, a simple game, but kids love to play any game that involves hiding and finding objects.

While you have the black cauldron out for the Eyeball Hunt, why not use it to create your own witch’s brew, complete with eyeballs and other ghoulish items? Kids love stiring and mixing things and would truly enjoy making this into a Halloween STEM Activity! Or if you would prefer, make or buy some slime and put it inside the black cauldron with some plastic eyeballs for some Halloween Sensory Play!

Another fun sensory activity would be to put the plastic eyeballs into cooked spaghetti. You can even take it up a notch and add a blindfolds to the child’s face! Just like the classic Halloween activities from our childhood, kids can dig around in “brains” (or whatever cooked spaghetti represented lol) to find all of the hidden eyeballs!

This Halloween STEM Activity is fun because it involves the kids building and creating their own wall maze contraption. Simply give the kids a basket of masking tape and paper towel and toilet paper rolls and let them create! When we make a wall maze at our house, we have fun finding and experimenting with other household objects that might work as well. We have used ladles, plastic scoops, funnels and a variety of items out of our recycling bin (like water bottles with the ends cut off). The children enjoy making the wall maze as much as they enjoy dropping the plastic eyeballs through it over and over again!

Because I am a former teacher, whenever I plan a class party, I like to add an educational element to the activities I choose. Whether it is more subtle like playing with slime or more obvious like this Halloween Sink or Float Activity, kids are learning through each activity.
For this Halloween Science Experiment, we tested what items sink or float. We tried plastic eyeballs, cookie cutters, candy corn, plastic spiders, mini pumpkins and much more to see what would sink or float in water. We used a Halloween punch bowl filled with water to conduct our experiment, but you could also use a cauldron or a pumpkin bucket as well. Make sure you add a towel underneath this activity because younger children really enjoy themselves with this game and it shows by the amount of water that gets splashed out!

Have you ever heard of this crazy Minute to Win It Game called “Junk in the Trunk”? Without commenting on the name, I will tell you a bit about the fun game that goes with it! (If you search on Pinterest, you can find lots of examples too.) This game involves taking an empty box of facial tissue and filling it with eyeball ping pong balls (for our Halloween version that is!). Next you take a belt or a ribbon and strap on the box so it’s behind you (above your “trunk” or bottom). Last, without using your hands, you have to dance, shake and shimmy all those eyeballs out of your “trunk”! It looks pretty fun, despite the silly name!

Whenever I think of the classic game of Bingo, I picture a room full of retirees playing Bingo with number cards while the Bingo balls spin in that big cage. Just me?! Clearly I watch too many movies that include the elderly! ;)

Either way, it got me thinking of all the possibilities of playing Eyeball Bingo! While most people don’t actually have a Bingo Ball Cage (Although I found a mini Wire Cage Bingo Set on Amazon!), you could use a variety of different containers to fill up with your Ping Pong Eyeballs.

There are lots of different versions of Eyeball Bingo you could play too. You could pick out different eyeballs based on the eye color or you could add numbers to the balls for the classic version of the game. Of course, now my wheels are spinning and I want to create my own version of Alphabet Eyeball Bingo complete with a free printable Bingo Card! I will be right back! =)
I couldn’t finish this list without including the actual game of Ping Pong, could I?! If you are having a children’s Halloween Party at home and have access to a Ping Pong Table, use your Eyeball Ping Pong Balls when you play! The kids think it’s so hilarious when they pretend they are hitting eyeballs across the table! Plus, it’s a great activity for tweens and teens as well.

I feel like I could go on and on with these ideas! Honestly, these Halloween games are so simple that they are often overlooked, but Class Halloween Parties and children’s parties in general don’t need to be complicated. Kids know how to have fun with simple games and entertainment and these Ping Pong Eyeball Games definitely fit the bill!
Looking for more games and activities for your class Halloween party? Follow me on Facebook where I am sharing lots of fun Halloween activities, crafts and foods perfect for school or home!

I love those silly plastic ping pong balls!
They are so much fun to use in games and for decorating this time of year. (We keep a jar of them in the bathroom for guests to see.)
I can’t wait to try a few of these ideas out with my kids this year.
Enjoyed reading the article above, really explains everything in detail, the article is very interesting and effective. I found some similar Halloween Games Here