Valentine’s Day has always been one of my favorite holidays- I don’t know if it is all the chocolate and sweet treats, the flowers or all the love and hearts, but Valentine’s Day holds a special place in my heart. Lol. See what I did there?! In fact, that is another thing I love about this holiday- all the cute valentines that use puns or a play on words! Combine my love of puns with making my own Valentines and I have come up with a lot of fun printable class Valentines! First up is 2 different versions of Tic Tac Toe Valentines Cards.
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Printable Tic Tac Toe Valentines
Tic Tac Toe Valentines Using Tic Tacs
For years I have seen the adorable Valentines floating around Pinterest featuring candy Tic Tacs. The Valentine colored Tic Tacs are attached to the Valentine/Game Card and the child can use the Tic Tacs to play a game of Tic Tac Toe directly on the card! I just love that idea because it is giving an activity and fun as a part of the Valentine card! So of course I had to make my own version of them for my kids to give away. And if my kid gets one, so do you! =)
Your free Tic Tac Toe Valentine will be available to download at the end of this post. You can print it out at home (using white cardstock) if you have a good quality printer. However, I have been printing them out at my local print shop (FedEx/Kinkos) and have been so impressed with the quality. Plus you can use their nice sharp paper cutter when you pick them up!
Speaking of, when you print out your cards, you have 2 options for cutting them apart. You can simply cut your paper into 4 even rectangles (following the lines at 4.25 in and 5.5 in), but that will leave a white edge around your Tic Tac Toe Valentines. It looks okay, but I prefer taking it one step further and trimming away all white edges. It gives it a nice crisp look.
Once you have your Tic Tac Toe Valentines all cut out and ready to go, it’s time for the torturous name signing! ;) If it’s problematic in your house as well, check out these tips (and a magic trick!) I came up with to help ease your child’s pain in signing their name 25 times! It’s also important to sign the cards before attaching the candy, just in case, it covers up the name space.
Last, you will need to gather the Be Mine Valentine Tic Tacs (The Strawberry Tic Tacs will work too!) and attached them to the Tic Tac Toe Valentine Card. I found that they stuck well using glue dots but you could also try simply folding over a piece of scotch tape and sticking it on the back of the Tic Tacs. And that’s all there is to it! You now have an adorable Tic Tac Toe Valentine!
Tic Tac Toe Valentine Using Pretzels
As I said in this post, I have never been so excited to see a bag of pretzels in my life! I found this Utz brand that created pretzels in the shapes of X’s and O’s!! And they bagged them up to give away as little non-candy Valentine options. I was so in love and I just knew I had to make a Valentines Tic Tac Toe Card to go with it! I couldn’t find the link to share them with you on Amazon, but I found them at Target in the Valentine snack aisle. I hope you can find them too! If not, I have also seen gummy X’s and O’s at Trader Joes and from Life Savers, so you could always bag those up and attach them to the Tic Tac Toe Valentine card.
The directions for this version of the Tic Tac Toe Valentine are the same. The only difference here is the size. For the bigger version like this, you only get 2 Valentines per 8.5 x 11 in sheet of paper. With the above Tic Tacs version, there are 4 cards on one page. This bigger version is better for bigger candy or bags of pretzels. You could also attach another type of game piece as well. Get creative with it (and share those ideas with me below!!).
Whichever version you prefer, you can download both types of free printable Tic Tac Toe Valentines below. Once you enter your email address, you will receive one email with 2 links (one for each version) . Just download the one the suits your needs! As always, feel free to email or comment below with any questions you might have. I am happy to help!
Want to download a free printable Valentine’s Day Tic Tac Toe for a class party game? Check out these 4 creative versions here (including one sensory version!)

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