Before you say that we celebrate our kids too much (and I tend to agree), I also say that life can be challenging (even for kids!) and it is up to us to look for and create joy in the midst of the day-to-day. And on that note, we had the most fun in our house celebrating my son’s 100 Month Birthday!
What is a 100 month birthday? Well, think back to when we used to count our kids’ ages in months (pretty much before 24 months/age 2) and then fast forward to when your child is 8 years and 4 months and there you have his (or her) 100 Month birthday! We decided to mark this special occasion in our house through a birthday breakfast with just a few small gifts to make a regular day extra fun!
100 Month Birthday
One of the reasons this was so memorable was that it was a total and complete surprise for our son. I have always wanted to do a surprise party for my kids, but in our house we plan the kids’ parties together for weeks and months in advance, so it has never really been feasible. But with the 100 Month Birthday celebration, my son woke up in the morning completely unaware of the significance of the day and he walked out into the living room to discover decorations and presents!
However, because I actually do believe that we have a tendency to over celebrate our children on occasion (in our house, we are trying to switch our focus to praising effort, not just that my 11 year old has adorable dimples!), this was just a fun, frivolous activity and we didn’t spend too much time or money on it. But here is what we did do to make his regular, ordinary day extraordinary:
Breakfast Table Decorations: I always try to decorate our dining room with balloons, streamers and presents. This day was no exception. This time I added a balloon with the number 100 on it. I also got 100th birthday napkins, birthday candles (I used the numbers we already had on hand and just had to buy one extra zero) and a birthday card. My most favorite part of the day was crossing out the word years and handwriting the word month on everything!
Treats for his lunch: I lucked out when I was shopping for anything 100 related and I found the 100th Anniversary Oreos that were birthday cake flavored! He loved getting a special treat in his lunch. Incidentally, I did not do class cupcakes or anything to celebrate with other people. However, if your child has a summer birthday, instead of celebrating his half-birthday at school, recognizing his 100 Month Birthday with friends might be a unique option for the year he turns 8.
100 Activity List: Part of the day’s celebration involved special activities that our son got to do that involved the number 100. Here is what we came up with: Want a copy of our activity list? Download here. And if you are interested in creating your own 100 Month Birthday celebration, I found some fun decorations and resources for you (FYI these are affiliate links, if you purchase through these links, I get a small percentage).
And there you have it- maybe a little over-celebrating of our wonderful 8 year and 4 month year old, but it brought joy to all of us and you can’t go wrong with that! =)

I love this idea! What kid wouldn’t love a surprise birthday party any day of the year?!
Thanks! We had a lot of fun with it…now, if I can get my other boys to forget about it for the next few years, we can surprise them too!! =)
Fun idea!
This November I am going to celebrate 100th month birthday of my Boy.
A cozy family event I planned long ago when I used to celebrate his monthly Birthday