I am always looking for creative class party games and this one definitely fits the bill for a Valentine’s Day class party! I had to plan an all boy Valentine’s Day party last year and I came up with this fun Valentine Party Game that I think we will work for kids of boys and girls of all ages: Cupid’s Target Practice!
Valentine Party Game: Cupid’s Target Practice
We all know that Cupid’s job is to go around shooting love arrows at people on Valentine’s Day so they will fall in love. Well, I decided that Cupid needs a little target practice ahead of time! There are a number of ways to set up the targets. I simply took red paper hearts (with a glossy finish) and labeled them with different point values depending on their location and size and attached them to the wall. Here are some examples of the style of hearts I used:
You could also simple take some red poster board (affiliate) and draw a classic bulls-eye target as well. It would be cute with a heart in the middle with a 100 point value. However, there are so many different ways you can set up a target wall for Cupid to practice his aim. You could also take some long banner paper (affiliate) and draw heart targets all over it. In fact, the kids could help you design that one too and that adds a whole other layer of fun for them
As for the archery set, there are several options for safe bows and arrows for kids. When we played last year, we used the Zing Air Storm Bow and Arrow Set and simply tried hitting the hearts from far distances. This year I used an arrows with suction cups (similar to this (affiliate) so not only did we try to hit the hearts, but we also tried to get the arrows to stick. It worked best on windows and certain materials, of course. But my son actually succeeded a few times and we were both pretty excited!
Clearly, there are lots of ways you can play Cupid’s Target Practice at a Valentine Party and I think all of them will entertain the kids. Which way do you think your kids would like best? Of course, I am always partial to the one with the easiest set up and take down, but that’s just me! =) Either way, I hope you like this easy Valentine’s Day game!

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