I noticed that every time I write about a family fun night activity, it involves food or sweets! But whatever works when you have tweens or teens, right? My 12 year actually asked if his friends could join us for this activity, which is unheard of, so I think this Oreo Flavors Taste Test is a win!
Have you ever noticed the crazy amounts of Oreo (and other brands of Chocolate Sandwich Cookies) flavors there are out there? If you are out shopping and take a second to look, you will find the original Oreo chocolate sandwich cookies, Golden Oreos, Lemon Oreos, Red Velvet Oreos, Cinnamon Bun Oreos, Peanut Butter Oreos, Mint Oreos, Birthday Cake Oreos and the list goes on! I hear they are even coming out with some new flavors for people to vote on as well! So, with 8 different flavors of chocolate sandwich cookies, I could not help but think my kids would love a blindfold taste test.
In the past with our taste tests (see the Jelly Bean Taste Test), we have compared different brands and picked our favorites, but this time we added a twist and pulled out the blind folds! I started by picking up a bunch of the different flavored sandwich cookies and kept them hidden. (If you are nervous about the all the sugar, just pick out 2 to 3 flavors. Or simply let the kids only have a bite or 2 of the cookies they are tasting)
Next, I put a few cookies in a brown paper bag and labeled them all with a letter. I had a hidden answer key as well. Then I passed out the taste test form (you can get it here) and blindfolds.
We went through one bag at a time, smelling inside the bag and then also taking a bite or two of the cookies as well. The ones that were favorites got devoured, while others got left on the plates. The kids made their guesses and then we did the reveal. You would be so surprised about how hard it was for the kids to guess some of the flavors! The easiest to figure out were mint and peanut butter but the others got lots of different guesses. We laughed a lot through this process (despite how serious my boys look in this photo!)
After we guessed and confirmed the flavors of each cookie and recorded them on our record sheets, the kids also got a chance to rate their favorite flavors in order. Mint was our winner with cinnamon bun taking the runner up position. Oh and we celebrated the winners with a nice glass of cold milk! Overall, a super easy activity that engaged the wide age range of my children. And while it didn’t work that night, I definitely would host a blindfold Oreo flavors taste test for a group of my son’s friends. Hey, whatever excuse I can use to get his friends to hang out here!
Wondering what to do with all the leftoever Oreos? Just like last time with the jelly beans, we gave most of them away! I love to dip sandwich cookies in chocolate and bag them up for friends and neighbors. It is such a yummy, easy gift that people think took a lot of time and effort. We also took the mint flavored Oreos and crushed them up and made a chocolate mint sandwich cookie crust for an ice cream pie! It was so good!
What about you? Have you tried any of the other Oreo flavors? Which were your favorites? Your least favorite? If you do the Oreo flavors taste test, come back and tell me how everyone did- were they able to guess all the flavors? Did your kids enjoy it? Of course in our house, you can never go wrong with taste testing sweets! =)

I am looking forward to trying this with our kids at church. We have an annual “camping” retreat. (well, we are in buildings with central heat and air, plumbing, etc., but we are in the woods! LOL)
We do a taste test of some sort every year, but this one will be all new and fun for them. We’ve done different types of baking chips, potato chips, root beer, jelly beans, etc.
Thank you for the great idea! :)
Thank you for sharing this free resource! Such a fun activity for the kids.